Equal Opportunities Policy

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Name of organisation: The Waste Clearance Team (the “Company”) Policy Statement

The Company is an equal opportunities employer.

The Company is committed to ensuring equal opportunities, the fairness of treatment, dignity, work-life balance and the elimination of all forms of discrimination in the workplace for all staff and job applicants. The employer aims to create a working environment in which all individuals are able to make best use of their skills, free from discrimination or harassment, and in which all decisions are based on merit. Therefore the business has adopted this policy as a means of helping to achieve these aims.

It is the Company’s policy to treat all workers and job applicants equally and fairly irrespective of their sex, marital status, civil partnership status, trans-gender status, sexual orientation, race, colour, nationality, ethnic origin, national origin, culture, religion, age, or disability.

The principles of non-discrimination and equality of opportunity also apply to the way in which staff treat colleagues, visitors, clients, customers, suppliers and former staff members.


Recruitment and selection will be in accordance with objective, job-related criteria and the appointed applicant will be chosen on her/his merits and abilities. We will endeavour to ensure that employees responsible for staff recruitment and selection do not discriminate unfairly.

All reasonably practicable steps will be taken to ensure that problems relating to access or equipment do not debar disabled applicants from employment.

Human Resources Policies and Procedures

Guidance is given to staff on the implications of the equal opportunities policy and, in particular, to those involved in the management of other staff.
The interpretation and application of all conditions of employment are intended to ensure that they are consistent with equal opportunity principles. Policies and procedures are reviewed and updated as necessary to improve, amend or adapt current practices to promote equality of opportunity.

We are also committed to ensuring that no policy, procedure, provision, rule, requirement, condition will be imposed on any worker or job applicant without justification if it would be likely to put that person at a disadvantage on any of the above grounds.


Relevant data is collected to monitor the operation of this policy. Personal details provided by employees or applicants for jobs will be kept confidentially and will not be used for any other purpose.


It is recognised that harassment is a form of discrimination. Harassment is defined as any action that is found objectionable and offensive and threatens an employee’s job security or creates an intimidating working environment. Any employee who experiences sexual, racial or any other kind of harassment is encouraged to bring it to the attention of the Owner / Managing Director.


The Owner / The Managing Director has overall responsibility for implementing and monitoring the effectiveness of this policy. All employees have a duty not to discriminate unfairly against or harass colleagues or job applicants, nor to encourage other members of staff to do so. Unfair discrimination or harassment by an employee will result in disciplinary action, including summary dismissal, where appropriate.


Any applicant who feels that s/he has been unfairly discriminated against during the recruitment process should write to the Owner / Managing Director with details. Complaints will be fully investigated.


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